Couple Weeks Ago


Couple weeks ago, I intended to make a to-do-list when I got back home. I remembered on how I really want to update my blog so much as I feel like I had lost my sense of writing. Not good in making quotes and inspirational ideas anymore. Am I sad? Yeah!  But I did some reflections. The environment has become a great influenced in my upside down life. Ough, please be more thankful Azurin! When we look around, we'll see how many wonders of life that Allah had shown to us. Try to put ourselves in their problems, well then, you might see how big are the problems. But above from all of that, Allah is greater among them. So keep coming and running towards Allah, because He'll never leave us. Instead, we did. Astaghfirullahalazim. May Allah always put us in His path. In my writings, all I did was to me myself, so then I can do a reflection or many reflections whenever I lost, a U-turn I should called.

For those who are reading my blog, is just a story to be shared. Long time ago, I couldn't believe how I can be involved in writings but still, Alhamdulillah, I did. And thanks to them, I learned a lot. Then Allah make me sat in a group we called usrah and together we named it as baitul sakinah, It's a pray. Aaminn. During our preclinical years we are the eager ones, the hardworking ones and the cheerful ones when it comes about teamwork. Allah has brighten our days in Makassar. It has been the most place I miss so much. From usrah I learned some arabic words and until today, my to-do-list is to learn arabic. Insya Allah. Then, those brighten days have become gloom and raining, sometimes stormy when we encountered with the life as a co-assistant (clinical years), hectic schedules makes me feel lazy to attend an usrah, "Forgive me ya Allah, for I am forgetful." But then, I will be reminded by those words, "Awak pergi usrah tak hari ini?," "Awin jom pergi usrah," which have taught me well the benefit of sisterhood. Alhamdulillah. One would not be able to survive until someone gets together. Jazakallahu khayran kathira ya akhowat.

One of them is going to leave us but she'll then build a house in Jannah. Insya Allah. Mabruk alayk ya ukhti. Our prayers is always with you. May Allah strengthen our ukhuwwah even in the future we might not be able to sat in the same circle we used to. Deep of my heart, I know Allah has a plan for us. Insya Allah we will sailing in same ship. The sweetness of faith and the sweetness of sisterhood in Islam. Allahumma aaminn. 

p/s:Ignore my bad grammar. I make a mini book, regarding to write my a-to-do list. And yes, I have changed the name of the book to be a-must-do-list. Insya Allah.

kalamwarkah/20.28pm/in my room/Terengganu


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